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Invest Differently - The Women Effect


Copyright: LMDF // Hedda Pahlson-Moller // Fundación Alternativa // Catalyst at Large // Pana Pana

Many studies have concluded that investing in women has a broad effect in society, and a return far beyond the financial gains. A recent McKinsey report found that increased gender parity can add USD 12 trillion to global growth, and a Harvard study demonstrated that firms with more women on their boards are more successful.

But despite all the evidence pointing in this direction, female entrepreneurs around the world are underserved by the financial system. It is crucial to highlight the ripple effects that investing in women brings, and the positive impact it achieves not only in their local communities but at a global scale.

With this in mind, LMDF is hosting the "Invest Differently - The Women Effect" event at the EIB on 9 May. The speakers, which include Suzanne Biegel from ClearlySo and Tiime's own Hedda Pahlson-Moller, will give their thoughts on this issue and present ideas on how to narrow the gap and create better avenues of investment for female entrepreneurs, in Luxembourg and the world.

To find out more, please visit the LMDF website.

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